Saturday, January 27, 2007

So, have you tried the Whirley Pop yet?

Two weeks ago I bought a Whirly Pop. Since that time I think I've used it every evening except for two for a late night snack. What is a Whirley Pop? I'm glad you asked. The Whirley Pop is a new way (for me) to cook popcorn. You place some vegetable oil and popcorn kernels in the pot that you see to the left and then heat it on your stove top, turning the handle slowly in order to sift the kernels around until they begin popping. After placing the popcorn in a bowl, you can season it any way you wish. The result is a popped corn that is crisp, light and delicious -- not like the popcorn that you pull out of the micorwave. My roomates and I have had fun joking around about my fascination/borderline obsession with the Whirley Pop. I mean, really, it tastes good and all but there's only so much you can do to a popcorn kernel; no matter what way you cook it, it still tastes like popcorn. Not only does it still taste like popcorn, but making popcorn with the Whirley Pop as opposed to the microwave, there exists the potential added inconvenience of time committment; it takes longer to pop and there's some prep time before and some clean up time afterwards, albeit small.

So what if any significance exists for me with the Whirley Pop? Does it have a symbolic meaning in my life? Maybe I'm grasping at straws here, but I believe it does. You see, over the past few years, for various valid reasons, I had begun to order my life, including my own eating habits, primarily around what was convenient for me. Being single, if I needed to eat, I could just throw a DiGiorno frozen pizza in the oven and get a few meals out of it. Or I could even cook an entire family-size Stouffers lasagna and get a week's worth of meals out of it. Now, I wouldn't want to overanalyze this habit of mine (although I can admit that the lasagna thing is a bit lazy), but I have been learning of late that becoming overly preoccupied with ordering my life around what is convenient -- whether it be eating habits, transportation or whatever -- can influence my worldview and how I interact with those around me without my even realizing it. In the Western culture in which we live, it is all too easy to fall under the delusion that we are kings and queens of our own castle and that we exist primarily to statisfy our own needs and desires. I feel as though our culture is built on this presupposition to some degree and we are certainly bombarded with that message in any number of ways daily.

I guess the Whirley Pop, with its popcorn that tastes better but is more inconvenient, represents an acknowledgment on my part about the falsehood of this presupposition. What is convenient is not always better for us and perhaps it may even be worse. Desire (in general) is not always good. Becoming preoccupied with myself can lead to the destruction of what I believe is our created identity -- to love others and God -- and is recovered/attained in part during the struggle toward unification with our Creator.

I realize the weakness of my position in waxing poetic about the dangers of the convenient modern life. I take any number of modern conveniences for granted each day, from the car I drive for transportation, to the grocery store I shop at in order to eat, the toilet I flush my waste away in, and the laptop computer I am using to type this message. As my Parish Priest reminded me in a recent homily in regards to fasting, "we all indulge, no matter what we look like on the outside." Perhaps what I am learning is just part of the natural maturation process. The older we get, the more we realize that life is much more compicated than we had previously realized and the role we play in it is a bit smaller than we had self-consciously hoped. I will close with a quote from St. Varsanuphius that sums up my position in a much more concise fashion than I have just attempted to do. And no, it is not about the Whirley Pop, good as the popcorn it pops may be: "forget yourself and know yourself."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

My blog

I've been trying the past few days to get my 'blog on.' I've been preoccupied with trying to think of good, witty titles for the blog itself, the links that I can share and so on. What I should primarily concern myself with though is making postings for the blog itself. I guess that's the hard and time consuming part! Really, what is a blog without a blog posting? That's a good question for a future blog or maybe a Zen Buddhist (not really).

I don't know how many people will read this or will find any worth in it. I guess to a large extent it doesn't even matter to me. I would love to dialogue with others and share commonalities and differences during a mutual discussion. I look forward to that with anticipation if it were to happen. I am also excited about being able to articulate and sift through what has been floating around in my head recently. Not to be melodramatic in any way, but my life has changed so much during the past few years that I have been confused as to which side has been up and which has been down at different times.

What has been filling my head and heart of late however, has been the incredible thanksgiving I feel to be able to live. It is a gift. I have a wonderful girlfriend who is everything I could ever ask for in a woman. I have a good job that pays the bills. More importantly than the riches that have been bestowed up me though is the interior knowledge that shows me that I am known and loved in the deepest part of my being - a truth that resounds deeper and more profoundly than anything my imagination could conjure - I am known and loved as one who has been created by the Creator. This identity gives me cause to celebrate, how could it not? Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with how good God has been to me; at times I feel as though my soul has been lit on fire. I wonder how has this happened? What have I done to deserve the abundance of blessings in my life? Not only have I not sought it out, to a large degree I had oriented my life in such a way as to take me away from blessing.

In this sense, this truth also propels me into repentance, for the longer I gaze at Love, the deeper I know myself. The deeper I know myself the more I am aware of the many ways in which I fail to embrace this Love. What comes to mind with the word repentance is mentioned? In the past I have likened it to self-pity and remorse. Bishop Kalllistos Ware, in his book The Orthodox Way, reminds me that repentance is not negative but positive: "It is to look not backward with regret, but forward with hope - not downwards at our shortcomings but upward toward God's love. It is to see not what we have failed to be, but what by divine grace we can become; and it is to act upon what we see. To repent is to open our eyes to the light. In this sense repentance is not just a single act, an intial step, but an attidude of the heart and will that needs to be ceaselessly renewed up to the end of life." I would do well to remember the quote.