Sunday, July 20, 2008


Er . . . I mean Seattle.


Josh H. said...

is it just me or is the prius one of the ugliest cars ever?

J.B. said...

The Prius is no beaut. Olivia and I used to play 'slug bug' with the Prius, but we got lazy since they're in such plentiful supply. On a trip to the grocery store half a mile from our house we can usually see 3 or 4. Now we just yell out the number we've seen so far.

Anonymous said...

Same here in should see the grocery store parking lots. We get dirty looks when we drive by in our non-Prius-mobile.

Charles said...

Same here too, though they are rivaled by the Chevy Tahoe for some reason.

Paul said...

not as many priuses here, but a plethora of BIG trucks, despite gas prices....

i guess some things (trucks) are guaranteed by the constitution...

J.B. said...

The right to bear arms, free speech, and drive a gas guzzler. I think we're losing most if not all of those rights in Seattle.

Hope you had fun in the Caribbean.