Friday, February 2, 2007

I work too though, I really do

Over the past few years I've had the opportunity to live a variety of places, from the Midwest to Northern California and my native Pacific NW. Each place that I've lived has its own unique allure: the farming fields of Minnesota - vibrant and green during the summer and bleak and white-cold during the winter. The sun-filled days in California with its sweltering heat. Of course I'm biased as to which I prefer, but for my money, the beauty of the Pacific NW trumps them all. My own photography isn't the best defense of this claim but I think that despite my shortcomings the grandeur of the Olympic Mountains and the Puget Sound speak for themselves. This is the view from my office. The challenge this time of the year (or any for that matter) is to be able to find a clear day without clouds. It's on days such as these that I remember that there's no place like home.


Charles said...

Nice pics. We were just trying to remember the last time we saw hills or mountains or anything other than buildings. Ah, British urban sprawl.

Sarah said...

I like the view! That must be pretty nice to look at while... thinking at work. Although, I don't really have a have a hometown, I have since adopted CA as my own. And, even though it's no WA, I'm learning to love the nostalgic feeling that there truly IS no place like home.

J.B. said...

I think that I associate the feeling of nostalgia with the ocean; it seems to have a spiritual significance for me. I'm sure that's a big reason that why I like it here as much as I do, even if it isn't as sunny as some other places that I've lived.

Katie said...

You lucky DOG. When I walk to my morning service site, there are some buildings that are way far off in the horizon that I can't see so clearly, so I pretend they're mountains. I miss the PacNW mucho!