Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I always wanted a pantry

Perhaps it is because in our current apartment the kitchen is incredibly tiny. Whatever the reason, as of Wednesday afternoon, Olivia and I will have to wait no longer; we will become the proud owners of a condo twenty minutes north of Seattle in Lynnwood.

It is a condo that looks like any other number of condos. Nevertheless, it will be our own condo and that is exciting. It also includes a pantry.


Charles said...

Congratulations. Pictures please.

Liv said...

A PANTRY! Oh man! It has a dishwasher! This is the highlight of my life! And, therefore, yours, too, Jonathan...as you will no longer have to hear me complain about doing the dishes by hand like slaves.

Charles said...

What's Jonathan's problem? Why isn't he washing the dishes?

J.B. said...

I believe in her comment, Olivia is using "me" to express her complaint about doing the dishes by hand, not to express that the chore is not shared evenly. I will still celebrate the dishwasher though.

Charles said...

Oh. Sorry.

J.B. said...

No problem.

Paul said...

congratulations my dear Ingrams.

and not too far work! good news,

yes on pictures

Liv said...

Thanks Paul. We're having a hard time leaving the city.... We are entering the dangerous zone of suburbia.

Liv said...

JB can't help noticing everyone in the suburbs are fatter...any thoughts at the validity of this statement?

Paul said...

it is a well documented fact that the suburbs are where people go when they have given up on their dreams...

both the onset of depression and a general sense of mediocrity frequently lead to overeating

i recommend smoking cigarettes frequently while bemoaning the inevitable rise of Fox news

Paul said...

i have begunneth the blogging, come and see!

Katie said...

Going full circle, my friend. You must've gotten a good offer @ CPWM.

Katie said...

Oh, and for Pete's sake, congratulations!

J.B. said...

I think I will require all subarbanites who enter our condo to step inside the pantry. If they are unable to fit then they will be barred from full entrance to the condo.

Of course, if I become depressed and begin to overeat myself, I will have to rethink this requirement.

J.B. said...

During some preliminary moving today I found that I am unable to fit into the pantry. As as an overweight former city-dweller, let me apologize to any offended suburbanites for my previous comments.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, depending on what suburb you move to, the fatness trend fluctuates. I've noticed in my suburb of Spanaway that a good addiction to meth really keeps the weight off. And my neighbors don't even need a pantry to cook it in. Heck, they'll just use the van in their driveway! Lynwood's quite a few rungs higher, though, on the suburban-eliteness scale. You should expect to gain a few pounds. I think you'll carry it well, though.

-- andy

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and congratulations! I'm stoked for you guys!

-- andy

Sarah said...

Congratulations! I can't wait for you guys to put our picture up in your new place.

Liv said...

Picture! As in singular? Oh Dear! (Note to Ingrams: Hide charles and sarah shrine when they come to visit.)