Sunday, February 8, 2009

Full House of Metal

I feel that I should post this before Great Lent begins.


Katie said...

Thanks be to God. [Allelulia is omitted during the Lenten season]

J.B. said...

Lent is, among other things, a time to focus on prayer, fasting and alms-giving. This inevitably includes the setting aside of activities that, while not being inherently evil or sinful, are distracting from this focus. A video of the cast of Full House dancing in a congo line to the music of dubbed in death metal would fit this description.

Katie said...

And anybody who knows you also knows that anything having to do with "Full House" causes you, more than other adult males, to greatly stumble. The blessing of the Lord God Almighty be on you and remain with you forever. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I laughed out loud for, like, 30 seconds. Thanks, I needed that and I didn't even know it.
