A few weeks ago, I was waiting at the bus stop downtown after work at about 9:30 PM. Unexpectedly, a man who I assumed to be homeless approached me and proclaimed in a loud voice, "Hey, you're the ultimate beard guy!" He then went on to share with me his own personal frustrations in the area of beard-growing while extolling the virtues of my "ultimate" beard.
I imagine that in this man's travels he has seen many an impressive beard. I am honored that he would bestow this title upon me, unless he was under the influence, in which case I would be less impressed.
pictures pleasae
That's the thing. There is nothing particularly impressive or "ultimate" about my beard. It is fairly non-descript and I fear that posting a picture of it would be fairly anticlimactic.
I told him to post a picture. I mean, he spends hours grooming this ultimate beard. Why not show it off to those not able to enjoy it daily...like myself (not to brag).
dare i suggest your modesty with respect to said beard, contributes to its "ultimateness'...
yes, picture
Due to overwhelming request, my beard.
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