Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Exclusive election day analysis

I have often wondered what the purpose is of putting down that thin tissue paper on the toilet before being seated. It seems to me to be rather noisy, uncomfortable and unnecessary. I have noticed the high frequency with which those in my particular office use the "Discreet Seat" tissue paper before what I would assume is either a bowel movement or a well-choreographed attempt to avoid work. Call me old fashioned, but I for one do not have any qualms about sitting my bare behind on a toilet seat with no other barrier, "Discreet Seat" or otherwise.

Studies show that a much larger percentage of germs are found on the average desk than the average toilet seat.*

*I do not have a citation for this particular claim, but I did read it somewhere.


Katie said...

Like the "your kitchen sink is more germ-filled than your toilet." I agree, those covers are lame. My mom once wondered if they're so readily available in the Northwest as a support of the logging economy, if that makes any sense. I think some folks are still afraid of toiletseat-transmitted hepatitis. Thank God for immunizations!

Shelley said...

Isn't there lysol in the men's room there? I know for a fact there are about 1493333950 containers of the disinfecting wipes floating around the office. Germs are great! They make you stronger!

Josh H. said...

can you tar and feather germs? :)

Anonymous said...

my latest practice has been to put soap and water on a paper towel at the bathroom sink (of a public/office bathroom), take it into the stall along with a dry one, and do a quick "once-over" on the seat and wiping it dry before placing myself directly upon it. does that sound unreasonable?

Anonymous said...

Since September, I have only had to use public toilets early in the morning (between 7:30 and 8:00 AM). I always go to the most secluded bathroom I can find, which means towards the back corner of campus, where no one has probably used the toilet since the janitors took care of everything the night before. So far, so good!

Charles said...

This reminds me of a story from room 203 - something else toilet-seat related that you do not have any qualms about - but I will keep silent.